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European Handbook No. 7 - Irish Railways, Locomotives & Coaching Stock.. Fox, Peter & Pritchard, Robert , Platform 5. 2008, 2008. 2nd Edition. ISBN: 1902336585. 80 pages, 170g. Soft card covers with light crease to top front corner, FINE. Illustrated with colour photographs.

European Handbook No.1 - Benelux Railways - Locomotives & Coaching Stock 4th Edition. . , Platform 5, 2000. 4th Edition. ISBN: 1092336087. 176 pages, 345g. Soft card covers MINT. Illustraetd with colour and b/w photographs.

European Railway Atlas: Denmark, Germany, Austria and Switzerland - 2nd Edition.. M.G. Ball, Ian Allan Ltd, 1998. 2nd Edition. ISBN: 0711025509 . 101 full page maps plus gazetteer. 500g. Soft card covers with previous owners name and date to reverse top corner of front cover. FINE. An updated edition to take in the re-establishment of many old links between Germany and the former states of the Cold War.

Eurotunnel Magazine - Inauguration of the Channel Tunnel - Programme of Celebration with Supplement - 1994.. Dedeyan, Jean-Marie (Editor), Eurotunnel, 1994. 1st Edition. ISBN: . 224 pages plus 24 page bilingual supplement with programme of celebrations. 750g. Soft card covers both Very Good condition. Illustrated with many photographs and drawings.

Evocative Steam. n/a, Bounty Books , 2010. Reprint. ISBN: 9780753720103. 128 pages, 660g. Pictorial laminated boards As New in an As New d/w. Illustrated with colour photographs.

Exciting railway journeys of the world . Kenneth Westcott Jones, Alvin Redman, 1967. 1st Edition. ISBN: . 192 pages, 415g. Black cloth boards with slight age toning to hinge of paste-downs, FINE, in a Very Good bright and complete d/w with small repaired tears to top of spine & edge. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

Exeter-Newton Abbot - A Railway History: The Complete History of the Line Between Exeter and Newton Abbot. Kay, Peter, Platform 5 Publishing Ltd, 1993. 1st Edition. ISBN: 1872524427. 252 pages, 1.36kg. Green cloth boards, FINE in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs, drawings and track plans.

Exploring the Stockton & Darlington Railway. Semmens, Peter William Brett, Graham, 1975. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0859830063. 72 pages. 115g. Stapled soft card covers a little rubbed and creased to edges, Very Good, but contents and staples tight and clean. Illustrated with b/w photographs, Ariel pictures, maps and plans, this is a walk along the original route of this famous railway line, explaining the many things of interest to see along the way.

The Fall and Rise of Steam. Brian Cooke, Jane's Publishing Company Limited, 1982. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0710602006. 128 pages, 855g. Black cloth boards FINE in a FINW d/w in clear protective sleeve. Illustrated with the b/w photographs of the author.

Famous Railway Engines of the World. , Percival Marshall & Co., . 1st Edition. ISBN: . Not Dated, 32 pages, 40g. Small (16mo) stapled paper covers FINe. Illustrated with b/w photographs showing 17 World Famous Locomotives.

Famous Railway Photographers - P. Ransome-Wallis. P.Ransome- Wallis, David & Charles PLC, 1973. 1st Edition. ISBN: 071536233X. 96 pages, 340g. Green cloth boards FINE in a Very Good d/w with browning to top edge and slightly sunned spine. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

Fareham to Salisbury (Country Railway Routes).. Mitchell, Vic; Smith, Keith, Middleton Press, 1989. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0906520673. 96 pages. 400g. Pictorial laminated Boards with slight lean to spine and previous owners name and date to free end-paper. FINE. Illustrated with b/w photographs throughout. A detailed look at this small section of line.

Farewell to Steam - Isle of Wight. Wells. Matthew, Rochester Press , 1985. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0946379149. 96 pages. 610g. Pictorial laminated boards Near FINE. Illustrated with b/w photographs throughout. A pictorial history of the lines on this unique Isle.

The Fawley Branch - The Story of the Totton, Hythe & Fawley Light Railway (Locomotion Papers No.221). J.R. Fairman, The Oakwood Press, 2002. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0853615845. 128 pages, 285g. Soft card covers with light crease to rear bottom corner, Near FINE. Illustrated with b/w photographs, drawings and track plans.

Festiniog in Colour - Ffestiniog Mewn Lliw.. Peter Johnson, Ian Allan Publishing Ltd, 1995. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0711023557. 64 pages, 355g. Oblong format pictorial laminated boards FINE. Illustrated with colour photographs.

Festiniog Railway - A View from the Past. Peter Johnson, Ian Allan LTD, 1997. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0711025126. 112 pages. 480g. Pictorial laminated Boards Near MINT. A pictorial history of this now famous welsh narrow guage railway, concentrating on the pre-preservation railway era, illustrated with photographs dating from around 1870 to 1946.

The Festiniog Railway 1836 - 1966, 130 Years in Pictures.. , Festiniog Railway Co, 1966. 1st Edition. ISBN: . 24 pages. 75g. Stapled soft card covers a little age darkened, with the contents tight and clean. Very Good. Illustrated with period photographs, just before the starting of the deviation route.

The Festiniog Railway from 1950. Andrew Wilson, Tempus Publishing , 2002. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0752423975. 128 pages, 305g. Soft card covers with crease to rear top corner, Near FINE. Fully ilustrated with b/w photographs.

Fifties Steam Collection: Scottish Region v. 1. E. H. Sawford, Allan T. Condie Publications, 1991. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0907742971. 48 pages, 220g. Stapled soft card covers Near MINT. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

Fifties Steam Remembered. Sawford. Eric., Sutton Publishing, 2003. 1st Edition. ISBN: 075093154X. 146 pages. 660g. Black cloth boards Near MINT in a Near FINE d/w with repaired tear to top of spine. A pictorial history, fully illustrated with b/w photographs.

Fifty Years with Scottish Steam. Dunbar A.G. & Glen I.A, Bradford Barton, No Date, 1982. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0851534279. 112 pages, 175g. Soft card covers a little rubbed to edges, Very Good. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

The Final Link : A Pictorial History of the Great Western & Great Central Joint Line, the Last Main Line Steam Railway to Be Built in England and Its Effect upon the Chilterns and South Midlands. Edwards, Dennis; Pigram, Ron, Bloomsbury, 1988. Reprint. ISBN: 1870630017. 144 pages. 780g. Green cloth boards FINE in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs throughout, with route map to end-papers.

Fire & steam a new history of the railways in Britain. Christian Wolmar, Atlantic Books, 2007. Reprint. ISBN: 9781843546290. 364 pages, 780g. Blue cloth boards FINE in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with colour and b/w photographs and drawings. Examines the social and economical importance of the railways, and how it helped to for the Britain of today.

Firing days at Saltley. Essery, Terry., D.bradford Barton, 1981. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0851533752. 174 pages, 280g. Soft card covers with previous owners name & date to rear top corner of front cover, o/w FINE. Illustrated with b/w photographs. Covers the authors 9 years working for BR at the Saltley motive power depot in Birmingham.

Firing Days: Reminiscences of a Great Western Fireman. Harold GASSON, Oxford Publishing Co, 1973. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0902888250. 112 pages, 275g. soft card covers a little worn and marked, but contents tight ands clean, Very Good. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

First Steps in Railway Modelling. Freezer, C. J., Midland Publishing, 2000. Reprint. ISBN: 1857800664. 64 pages. 300g. Pictorial card covers FINE. A book designed to help the new railway modeller start on their first layout. Covers base boards, track, control options and scenery. Fully illustrated with b/w photographs & drawings.

First Stop Mainenhead. Wells, Matthew, Published by the author, 1973. 1st Edition. ISBN: . 40 pages, 105g. Stapled soft card covers FINE. Illustrated with b/'w photographs. A book looking at the history of this once important treminus, that was host to the Great Western Railway as well as the Wycombe Railways line to Oxford and Aylesbury.

Fodor's railways of the world (Fodor's modern guides). Robert C. Fisher, D. Mckay Co, 1977. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0679001875. 374 pages, 785g. Soft card covers rubbed and crease to spine and corners, with light foxing to page block edges, Very Good. Illustrated with b/w drawings. Rail lines in 101 Countries on the Six Continents, with map.

Footplate Cameraman. J R Carter, Heathfield Railway Publications, 2009. Reprint. ISBN: 1906974047. 128 pages, 790g. Pictorial laminated boards FINE in a Very Good d/w with small repaired tear to top edge. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

Footplate Days - More Reminiscences of a Great Western Fireman. Harold Gasson, Oxford Publishing Co., 1978. Reprint. ISBN: 090288851X. 120 pages 270g. Soft card covers a little marked and rubbed to extremities, but tight and clean internally. Very Good. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

Footplate Days on the Southern. Norman, H., Bradford Barton, 1983. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0851534511. 112 pages, 175g. soft card covers a sunned to spine and surround, Very Good with the contents tight and clean. Illustrated with b/w photographs. The autobiography of the author who spent his career as a railwayman.

Footplate Over The Mendips. Smith. Peter., Oxford Publishing Company, 1978. 1st Edition. ISBN: 086093022X. 138 pages. 300gm. Pictorial soft covers Very Good. Sequal to the 'Mendips Engineman' by the same author. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

A Footplateman Remembers the Southern. Rowe, Jim., Oxford Publishing Co., 1985. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0860933407. 128 pages, 255g. Soft card covers with lean to slightly sunned spine, Very Good. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

For the Love of Steam. Weston, David., David & Charles, 1988. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0715393030. 120 pages. 900g. Blue cloth boards. Near MINT in a Near FINE d/w with two small repaired tears to top of spine. Oblong format. A selection of colour paintings and b/w sketches by the author on working steam engines of road traction as well as rail.

Forgotten Railways - Chilterns and Cotswolds. Grant, M. D. & Davies, R., David & Charles, 1975. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0715367013. 256 pages. 640g. Brown cloth boards FINE in a Very Good slightly edge-rubbed d/w. Illustrated with b/e plates, maps and diagrams. Includes fold-out map to rear.

Forgotten Railways - North and Mid Wales.. Page, James., Book Club Assiciates, 1984. Book Club. ISBN: 0946537054. 168 pages. 415g. Black cloth boards with letter 'D' to rear paste-down o/w FINE in a Near FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w plates and route maps and large fold-out to rear.

Forgotten Railways - Scotland.. John. Thomas, David & Charles, 1981. 2nd Edition. ISBN: 0715381938. 224 pages, 490g. Blue cloth boards FINE in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs and route maps.

Forgotten Railways - Volune 8 - South Wales. Page, James., David & Charles, 1979. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0715377345. 192 pages. 480g. Black cloth boards. Near MINT in a Near MINT d/w. Illustrated with b/w plates and with route map fold-out tipped in to rear. Includes gazetteer giving opening and closing dates and remains of each line.

Forgotten Railways Volume 10 - The West Midlands. Rex Christiansen, David St John Thomas, 1985. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0946537011. 160 pages. 385g. Black cloth boards FINE in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w plates and route maps and large fold-out to rear.

Forgotten Railways Volume 11 - Severn Valley and Welsh Border. Rex Christiansen, David St John Thomas, 1988. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0946537437. 200 pages. 500g. Black cloth boards FINE in a FINE d/w with light crease along top edge. Illustrated with b/w plates and route maps and large fold-out to rear.

Forgotten Railways Volume 6 - South-East England. White, H. P., David & Charles, 1987. 2nd Edition. ISBN: 0946537372. 192 pages. 500g. Black cloth boards Near MINT in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs and route maps, includes fold-out map to rear. The second and fully up-dated edition of the book first published in 1976.

Fortress Railways of the Baltic Shores (Narrow Gauge Railways of Europe). Helme, Mehis, Plateway Press, 1994. . ISBN: 1871980208. 80 pages, 245g. Card coversVery Good. Illustrated with b/w photographs and maps, with scaled line drawings of the locomotives. Fascinating history of the narrow gauge railways built along the coast of Estonia to serve the massive fortifications erected to guard the approaches to St. Petersburg.

Fortress Railways of the Baltic Shores.. Mehis Helme, Plateway Press, 1994. 1st Edition. ISBN: 1871980208. 80 pages, 235g. Soft card covers with crease to bottom corner and previous owners name and date to reverse top corner of front cover. Very Good. Illustrated with b/w photographs, track plans and many scaled line drawings of the narrow gauge locomotives used.

Forward! : The Revolution in the Lives of the Footplateman, 1962-1996. Wilson, C. David,, Alan Sutton, 1996. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0750911441. 150 pages. 520g. Black cloth boards Near MINT in a Near FINE d/w with slight crease to edges. Illustrated with 80 b/w photographs. Using first hand accounts, the book depicts the changes in the lives of footplatemen during these years of great change for the railways.

Four Coupled Twilight - Part Two (From Br to Beeching Volume Four).. Whitehouse, Patrick & Jenkinson David, Atlantic Publishers, 1990. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0906899451. 60 pages. 200g. Card covers Very Good. illustrated with b/w photographs & chart.

THE FOUR GREAT RAILWAYS.. Michael R. Bonavia, David & Charles, 1980. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0715378422. 23 pages, 480g. Black cloth boards with faint age toning to free end-papers, Near FINE in a Near FINE d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs.

Freight Wagons And Loads In Service On The Great Western Railway And British Rail Western Region. J. H. Russell, Opc Railprint, 1981. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0860931552. Not paginated, 1.22kg. Green cloth boards with pages a little waved, Very Good in a Very Good d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs, many using works official pictures.

Freightmaster - Winter Edition 1998/99. Rawlinson, Mark, Freightmaster Publications, 1999. 1st Edition. ISBN: . 143 pages. 240g. Soft card covers with sunned spine, FINE with contents tight and clean. Illustrated with route maps. The complete guide to British Railfreight operations.

the Freshwater, Yarmouth and Newport Railway. R.J.; Silsbury, R Maycock, The Oakwood Press, 2003. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0853616019. 176 pages, 505g. Green cloth boards MINT in a Near MINT d/w. Illustrated with b/w photographs, line drawings and track plans.

From Booking Boy to Bulleids. J. Evans, Triangle Publishing, 2001. 1st Edition. ISBN: 0952933357. 152 pages. 750g. Green cloth boards Near MINT in a FINE d/w. Illustrated with colour & b/w photographs and route map. The authors second book following on from "Man of the Southern" being the memoirs of a railwayman who spent more than 20 years on the Southern railways, begining in 1944.
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